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Liferay Unconference 2017: Docker and Kubernetes
This is a “little” summary of the Liferay Unconference open-space discussion with the topics of Docker and Kubernetes held in Amsterdam on Wednesday, October 4th 2017.Thanks to Arne and Lex for sending me their notes! We started off with a little introduction round...
Why Liferay and Open Source is in our DNA
At Firelay we work with a team of professionals who like puzzles and challenges. We prefer Open Source things with an API that live on the web. They should have a community of like-minded people all over the world to talk “nerd” with. Our closets are mostly filled...
How-to: Highly available Liferay portal with NGINX
The information in this article is for an outdated version of Liferay. Due to popular demand this article will stay accessible, but we strongly recommend to upgrade to a more recent Liferay version. Visit our contact page to learn about what our hosting solutions can...
Rely on Liferay to digitally transform your business portal
Business critical portals need high performance and stability. It is important that it runs smooth and secure. This demands specialised expertise and 24×7 monitoring and dedication. Firelay is the only official Liferay Hosting Service Partner based in Europe. We...
How-to: Testing and Tuning Liferay portals
The information in this article is for an outdated version of Liferay. Due to popular demand this article will stay accessible, but we strongly recommend to upgrade to a more recent Liferay version. Visit our contact page to learn about what our hosting solutions can...