Let’s partner up!

We believe that every company should focus on what they do well.  You know your customers best, you understand what they are looking for, and you should be the one offering them solutions. Solutions with your tailored made Liferay portal backed with a secure and reliable platform beneath it. A Partnership with Firelay could bring immense value to your business.

Depend on:

 Keeping ownership of value
Buy solutions at discounted rates and sell at rates that you determine

 Selling more
Receive assistance in converting your prospects into clients 

 Sleeping well
Get 24x7x365 support

Support in Propositional Phase

Strategic Guidance

We offer strategic guidance and collaboration to help you develop a proposal that effectively communicates the benefits of partnering with your organization.

Collaborative Approach

We’ll work as an extension of your team, combining our strengths to create a powerful proposal that showcases the mutual benefits of the partnership.

Continuous Support

We’ll provide guidance during the evaluation and negotiation stages. Our commitment is to help you  increase your chances of securing partnerships that drive your business forward.

Become a Full Service Provider

Purchasing Services from Firelay

As a full-service provider, you have the advantage of purchasing services directly from Firelay. We offer a range of robust and reliable services, including Liferay Cloud Services, that you can acquire from us at competitive rates.

Reselling Services as Your Own

Once you’ve acquired services from Firelay, you can incorporate our services seamlessly into your existing offerings, brand them with your own identity, and position them as integral components of your solution stack.

Direct Customer Engagement

Your customers will perceive Firelay services as an integrated part of your overall solution, strengthening your position as a trusted advisor and provider.

Lifecycle Support

We are committed to providing comprehensive support throughout the entire lifecycle of your projects. From the initial stages of acquisition assistance and architecture consultancy to environment setup, CI/CD pipelines, and integration testing, our team of experts is here to ensure the success of your endeavors. Here’s how we can support you at each stage:

Acquisition Assistance

Making the right technology decisions is crucial to the success of any project. Our experienced team can assist you in the acquisition phase by providing guidance and expertise in selecting the most suitable technologies and platforms. We’ll analyze your requirements, evaluate available options, and help you make informed decisions that align with your project goals.

CI/CD Pipelines

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines streamline the software development and deployment process, enabling faster releases and improved collaboration. We can help you implement robust CI/CD pipelines tailored to your specific project needs. Our experts will assist in setting up automated build, test, and deployment processes, enabling you to deliver high-quality software efficiently.

Architecture Consultancy

Building a robust and scalable architecture sets the foundation for a successful project. Our architecture consultancy services involve working closely with your team to design an optimal solution that meets your business objectives. We’ll collaborate on defining system architecture, identifying integration points, and ensuring scalability, performance, and security are prioritized.

Integration Testing

Thorough integration testing is crucial to ensure that various components of your system work seamlessly together. Our team can assist in designing and implementing comprehensive integration testing strategies. We’ll help you define test scenarios, automate test execution, and analyze results, ensuring that all integrations are thoroughly validated and any issues are addressed before production deployment.

Environment Setup

Setting up a reliable and efficient development, testing, and production environment is essential for smooth project execution. Our team can assist you in configuring and deploying the necessary infrastructure, including cloud environments, servers, databases, and networking components. We’ll ensure that your environment is properly configured, optimized, and aligned with your project requirements.

Become a one-stop shop.

Sell our Liferay Cloud Platform products white labeled as part of your client solution.

Convert your solutions

Put your custom Liferay solutions on top of our Liferay Cloud Platform and resell them multiple times

Boost your Liferay projects

Lease our expert Liferay developers to speed up your development and ensure project success.

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