Run Liferay Hassle-free

Firelay’s Liferay PaaS that supports any type of Liferay Portal. With auto-scaling and auto-recovery, it supports elastic growth and minimizes your downtime.

Fine-tuned for Liferay developers and operators

Provision and deploy Liferay to your cluster in minutes

Application Management

User-friendly interface that allows you to create new environments with just a few clicks.


Each environment has its own private network. This contains local DNS, Routing and Port Configuration.


Liferay Cloud has a full CI/CD toolstack. Therefore, it offers a streamlined development lifecycle.


Rely on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Firelay’s best-practise security solutions. 

Performance and Availability

Setup self-healing features for your applications. You can also configure automated performance optimisation.

Self-service and Productivity

Develop and iterate more rapidly with easy application deployment, release updates, and management of your apps and services.

Full support for Liferay CE and EE

Choose whichever edition you prefer

Community Edition

Cost-friendly and aways a few versions ahead of EE. Enjoy Liferay CE hosting with dedicated technical support.

Enterprise Edition

Security and reliability at its finest. And completely backed by Liferay.

The Council of Europe has been relying on the technical expertise of Firelay to assess the Liferay servers and websites and provide recommendation and guidance in order to streamline processes, gaining higher availability for our environments and cost-saving options. The Council of Europe is very happy with the high level of expertise Firelay could demonstrate in understanding our technical needs and in proposing ad-hoc solutions in terms of scalability, flexibility, performance and stability for our systems.

Tanguy Thomas

Application Specialist, Council of Europe

Leading Liferay stability and uptime

Deliver seamlessly with CI/CD integration

Take advantage of a full CI strategy with an out-of-the-box Jenkins instance. Integrate with GitHub, GitLab or your git repository and trigger a new build on every new commit.

Proactive technical support

The Firelay team eliminates errors before they happen with real-time alerts. And when you face problems with feature implementation, you won’t have to face them alone.

Security and compliance

Keep your data protected. Our platform is certified by ISO27001 and extended with the best security practices of Red Hat Enterprise.


Environments provisioned


Years of Liferay hosting

See it in action

Learn how to easily and quickly spin up a Liferay environment

Integrated insights

Understand deployment status, resource usage, and errors so that you can efficiently size, scale, and tune your Liferay.

Liferay Cloud pricing

Liferay Cloud starts from €590 and includes eight vCPUs, 30GB RAM and dedicated technical support.


View pricing

Learn more about Liferay Cloud

Webinar on 7 challenges of Liferay

Learn about the 7 biggest challenges of Liferay.

Running Liferay on Liferay OpenShift Cloud

Watch Pablo demonstrate the fine-tuned development process.

Download the full feature list

Learn all the benefits of running Liferay on OpenShift.

Get started with Liferay Cloud

Enterprise-grade Liferay environment with the best performance and pricing available.

Liferay Cloud
  • Stable
  • Autoscaler
  • CI/CD
  • Liferay CE & EE
  • Technical support