Running production workloads with DXP led by Brett Swaim

Sharing some tips and best practices of operating a high volume Liferay application. For these types of environments, the most critical tip is load testing, making sure there are never any bad regressions. Tuning your EHcache configuration is next in the list of prior which Brett indicated to be of (give or take) 40% importance of the total experience.

Log Analysis: howto and best practices led by Freark van der Bos (Firelay)

Most participants currently don’t have or run as good logging solution at all. Besides logging some advanced debugging techniques were discussed too. was warmly recommended as a tool to investigate using.

Performance issues (+Development best practices + CI + upgrading to DXP) led by “Alex”

A badly coded portlet can defeat all your performance optimisations, otherwise, use caching in Tomcat as well as on the HTTP level, offload asynchronous work out of the request-response cycle and check your database queries.